- Santa Antonia 5k- Dec 10, 2011 [San Antonio, TX]
- Disneyland Half-Marathon- Date unknown [Anaheim, CA]
- Disneyworld Marathon- Date unknown [Orlando, FL]
- National Marathon/Marine Corps Marathon/Rock'n'Roll Marathon- Date unknown [Washington, DC]
- Breast Cancer 3-Day- Fall, Year unknown [any participating city]
- Size 8
- Size 6 (and smaller and I think I'd look weird- this girl has hips!)
- 138 lbs (the weight at which I promised myself I would get a belly button ring when I was 16. I don't really want one anymore, but it was a promise, and I'm going to keep it)
- 130 lbs (if my equilibrium weight is lower, great. If not, this sounds very healthy and light)
- Regain my 25-inch waist (for my height and body type, this is entirely reasonable)
- Solo ascension from the lake to the dock at Lake Chelan
- 1 mile of continuous running
- First 5k
- First 10k
- First half-marathon
- First marathon
- First ultramarathon
- First triathalon
- Completion of P90X
- Black level at Superfit