So, have some good mojo heading back into the world of running!
Also, I discovered a book. I have yet to read this book, as I am currently 83rd on the holds list at the library and it is still in hardback so I haven't purchased it yet, but it looks amazing and has really inspired me to get going. It is called Born to Run, and I highly recommend you check it out. Talks about how running naturally doesn't injure you, rather, the expensive running shoes you buy do, among many other things. The main focus is a tribe whose name starts with T but I can never remember beyond that. Apparently they are legendary for being able to run hundreds of miles at once without breaking a sweat, in bare feet, without getting injured. In the mountainous regions of Chihuahua.
Anywhoo, it sounds really interesting and exciting and I REALLY WANT TO READ IT. Also, really want to get out and start running! But it's late, it's cold, and I just killed myself at a gym session that involved almost nothing but deadlifts.
Excuses, excuses, I know. But at least I will go eat hummus like the book suggests.
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