My legs. *Whimper*
I've started P90X now that I've settled a bit into my room and routine here in Paris. I have my first round of Shoulders and Arms coming up tonight, which should be nicely pathetic. But I'll do my best.
The first day started right off with Chest and Back, and I gamely struggled along. It was hard to adapt some of the push-up moves for the modified knees position, but I managed. Definitely didn't keep up with the tempo, and didn't get too deep in most of the pushups, but I stayed all the way to the end, darn it! Mighty proud.
Yesterday was Plyometrics, and the reason for my legs' state of distress. I had to bug out after only half. That stuff is intense! They say it's the hardest, so I don't feel as bad about it as I could. I wanted to cut out after about 20 minutes, but I told myself if I gave in too early on only the second day, I would jeopardize my likelihood of actually sticking to the entire program. Still, after another 10 minutes, I literally couldn't do any more of it. But I've written down the exact stopping point, so I'll know how much further I can get next week (I can't just start it from the stopping point, because of all of the warm-ups in the beginning). The warm-ups were a workout in themselves! Once I've finished the 90 days, I think I'll keep the full set around even if just for the plyometrics. Now there's a workout that's going to get be up that bachelorette hike!
I live on the 6eme etage ici, which is to say the 7th story. And I have created and stuck to a policy of always taking the stairs up. 7 stories, usually in heels, 1-3 times a day? My tush is going to be up to there...
Eating has been a bit hard here, as expected. I'm currently subsisting almost entirely on crumpets with Nutella, and lots of water. Bought a few things (like nuts, and pre-cooked quinoa) today that I can start to add in, and I brought some chia from home.
Et finalement, I've been doing lots of walking. Lots of walking. And I'm planning on adding even more, as soon as I get some new shoes (read: cute moderately low-heeled boots). I was right, most people don't jog in the streets, but I have seen a few, so I could get out and do it if I really feel the need.
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